ICDS(Integrated Child Development Services) Supervisor Preliminary Result 2019 is going to be released soon. ICDS Superviser Preliminary Exam was held on 1st September 2019. WBPSC(Public Service Commission, West Bengal) conducted this exam to fill the vacencies of 2954. The Preliminary Exam Result is yet to publish but it is expected to be published soon. There are three stages of this Exam: Preliminary, Mains and Viva. West Bengal Public Service Commission has already released the answer key of the preli exam held on 1st September.
Answer Keys to the MCQ Paper of the Examination, details of which are provided in the following Table is hereby published for information and guidance of candidates. They are advised to compare the answer keys with the question papers very carefully, and indicate the Test Booklet Series and the Serial Number(s) of Question(s), regarding which they had any doubt, if any, to the notice of the Commission, by accessing the link at www.pscwbapplication.in and populating the relevant details between 9-16 September 2019. Any incongruity reported after the aforesaid date would not be considered.
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